Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Our Story: Pregnant no insurance, and on the rich end of poor. Part 1

So I wish I would have started this from the begining so I didnt have to play catch up. But for me and maybe some one that reads this I think I need to start from the top. I have told my story It feels like a billion times in hope that just once, the right person with here it and it will make some thing better. Some one will learn from our heart ache. I don't think that has happend or that it ever will. It is my obeservation, people don't like hearing about dead babies.

From the top.
Robbie and I had been married 3 1/2 years . we had been through his last 2 years of the navy together, and one year of him figuring out what he wanted to do. He deiced to go to Avation Mechanic school. We moved from Lakeland to Largo for him to go to school there. 14 months. No insurance. As a hair dresser it is very rare to find a indepent shop that can afford it for the stylist. So dec of '06 comes around. Im pregnant. despite percoutions agants, I am. THat night I poped positive robbie said go online and buy insurance. 1 hr later, after all my searches and a few phone calls we learn that is IMPOSIBLE to do when you are pregnant. So everyone says, oh you will get medicaid, they can't turn you down. So I apply on line, they send the paper worl we fill it all out Robbie faxes it. Its right before we leave for VA for chirstmas. We wait 30 days to hear back. In this time frame I start vomiting all day long and start lossing some weight. This is our first baby and I am nervous. Finally the we get the response in the mail, we are deined medicaid because they did not recive all that they needed. It takes me, no lie 1 hr to figure out how to talk to a person on the phone to figure out the info we had sent the socail worker was not sent on by her. So here we go again, time to reapply. This time I take it to the medicaid building. In the mean time I hve finally found a clinic that will take me with out a medicaid status. No one else would. a week after droping off my paper working and calling that social worker we get a response back that we are aproved, but for medicaly needy, share of cost. we make 4500.00 more then you can to get full medicaid. To determine this, they just looked at 4 weeks of our income. For hair dressers that is the busist time. They also counted robbie's non taxable G.I. bill money. My understanding was that when we hit the 4500.00 that WHOLE month would be covered and I would get medicaid for 6 weeks and the baby would get it for a year. So I went on the whole nine months paying every visit, every lab ever ultra sound and my 12 hour stay at the hospital at 22 weeks when I had a bad flu and needed fluids. We went to the nurse midwifes at turley clinic in clearwater until 32 weeks when we moved to lakeland. Robbie and I both liked the midwives there. When we moved here I had another friend on medicaid and she had told me about how the midwives there were they only ones that took medicaid. I made my appointment and didn't expect it to be different then what we had been to in clearwater. Well I went to 2 appointments and got on the phone to every Dr. I had heard anything good about to see if they would take medicaid. No one else takes medicaid here in lakeland. They may if you were already their patient. But we had been gone for almost 2 years. I didn't like the midwifes here for a lot of reason, even to start. IT was way to busy in there. The nurse that took me to my room didn't tell me her name or act friendly at all, the first words said to me in the exam room where "have you had any bleeding or bloody discharge?" The midwife said she had read my file and everything looks good. she listened to the heart beat and measured my fundis and was head to the door and I had to catch her and asks if I could quit taking the 3 iron pills I was taking everyday due to anemia. She said "oh, your on iron?" Yeah, sure you read my file...
Okay that is enough to start.
next time Ill talk about...
how I had to remind the nurse to do my GBS test at 37 weeks and then I was told I was neg. when I was really pos.
how they make you go 12 days over due with minimal testing .
how the midwife delt with Lucas's death.

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